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Showing posts from April, 2019

What are Construction Defect Claims

Everything you should know about construction defect claims, types and how to resolve them Have you heard about the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Did you know it’s not leaning deliberately? It is a defect in the history of construction! The white marble tower took two whole centuries to complete as a slanting building. According to the authorities, the 8-story structure seems like a giant wedding cake that is knocked by a mischievous guest. The modern world recognizes the Tower of Pisa as a huge construction defect instead of a tourist attraction. Contractors failed to analyze the soil conditions of the Tower. The fact of the matter is construction defects are commonplace in the world. Especially, in Dubai, disputes on construction defects are usual. If such an error occurs, employees can file a defect claim against the construction company. These issues can cause companies to lose millions of Dirhams if not resolved diligently. So, companies hire defect claim specia

Techniques to Assess Construction Claim Damages

While the construction claim can be used for securing new business, negotiation, and arbitration, the chief purpose is to recover damages. Damage amount and existence is the claimant’s responsibility. Just proving the entitlement or existence does not help to recover the claim. You can only recover breach of contract damages when they represent the actual loss. Due to the inherent implications of construction claims, it is not possible to calculate the precise amount. For this purpose, analysts apply different techniques. A detailed damage analysis can help reduce the award amount. If you are looking for help in calculations of construction damage claims, choose a highly qualified quantum expert to get the job done for you efficiently. Read on for the best methods for examining construction claim damages: Methods to Examine Construction Claim Damages Construction damages are of two types: general and consequential damages. General damages come from the direct del

Everything You Need to Know about Quantum Meruit

Quantum meruit has a Latin origin, and it has dual meanings. The first meaning is ‘earned respect’ while the other is ‘as much as earned.’ The second one is used in the construction industry. However, both meanings indicate the same concept. An employee pays a specific amount to the claimant against the total value of his work. In simple words, it is the total money earned by a claimant for his work. But who will determine the total amount of money? Companies hire specialists to prevent errors and get an accurate amount. So, if you got stuck in a construction dispute, opt for the services of the best quantum expert to assist you and perform the quantum analysis correctly for your company. Read on to clear basic concepts about quantum meruit: The Basics of Quantum Meruit in Disputes Quantum meruit is a specific payable amount for the services taken by a contractor if the amount of the work is not paid to him. Many questions arise in this regard, for instance, how